CFS2/FS2002/FS2004 "WestLand Lysander Special Operations" FSDSv2.x Model, air file, Aircaft.config, Panel, Textures., Scenedb and Object_dp, by Jim Jacobson: Released as freeware-June 2004.

This is the special operations version of the Lysander used in convert transport and recon.
Paint scheme was for night flights over the channel and into occupied Europe.

Aircraft Installation:

1. Unzip the entire contents to a temporary folder.

2. Copy and paste the Westland_Lysanderv3 Aircraft folder to your C:\Combat Flight Simulator 2\Aircraft folder.

3. Copy and paste the gauge files from the \Gauges folder to your C:\Combat Flight Simulator 2\Gauge folder.

4. Copy the Sound folder from the CfS2 Wildcat or Hellcat into your Aircraft/Westland_Lysander folder. I didn't include this sound file due to the size.

Weapons Installation:

I have include a Drop Tank and Tank mount.

1. Copy and paste the the contents of the included OBJECTS_dp folder to your C:\Combat Flight Simulator 2\Objects_DP Folder.

2. similiarly, copy the contents of the Scenedb\weapons\scenery and Scenedb\weapons\texture to your C:\Combat Flight Simulator 2\Scenedb\weapons\scenery folder and your C:\Combat Flight Simulator 2\Scenedb\weapons\texture folder.

Flight Operation

1. Pilot canopy,passenger canopy, and passenger ladder operate with the tailhook key stroke ....Shift-H

2. Stall speed is around 56 knots for the unloaded Lysander full flaps. Fully loaded you will need to get up to around 80 knots and half to 3/4 flaps for take off.

3. Drop tank is fully functional and works the same as stock CFS2 drop tanks. I have included a permanent drop tank also for FS2002 and FS2004. CFS2 users ...when you drop the tank it will be like you just dropped the fuel load.

Thats it... have fun.....